Nuluhon Trusmadi & Sungai Kiluyu



A conservation area is an area, large or small, that is, or has the potential to be, an ecologically functional system. Ecologically functional, means that it supports all the flora and fauna species native to the area and that sustaining ecological processes, such as hydrological and succession cycles and other dynamic processes are occurring.

Under this Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP), this particular Forest Management Unit (FMU) has been deliberately delineated largely as a Forest Conservation Area by the Sabah state government that allows for a limited non-conservation usage, namely, ecotourism and controlled hunting as well as a planned community woodlots usage including non-commercial forest harvesting in the specified management zones.

Encroachment, commercial timber harvesting or large scale collections of any terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna from this FMU are strictly prohibited.

This CAMP prescribes the targets, extending from the distinctive lowland dipterocarp to the summit scrub and all other associated terrestrial species, including the avian and aquatic biological resources of this FMU, and the goals for such conservation efforts.

It also prescribes the corresponding strategies and the estimated budgets for implementation that would enhance the conservation status of the targets and the subsequent monitoring actions to assess the effectiveness of the identified conservations efforts done.