The Sabah Forestry Department is responsible for the protection of the Sugut Conservation Area which involves various activities, such as eliminating encroachments on forest land, illegal hunting, illegal extracting of mangrove produce as well as protection against forest fire. In case of encroachments, forest fires and illegal hunting offences, action is initiated under the provisions of the Forest Enactment 1968 and WildLife Conservation Act. Powers have been delegated to armed forest officers who are designated in the project area.

Forest protection activities are continuously being conducted in Sugut Conservation Area. Forest Checking Stations and jetties have been constructed as part of the efforts to curb illegal activities from occurring in the project area. Routine land, sea and aerial monitoring activities are also actively implemented.

The department is also regularly conducting special operations with the Royal Malaysian Police to curb illegal extracting of mangrove produce by foreigners from nearby countries.

As part of the actions to facilitate legal proceedings against forest offenders, the department has conducted boundary demarcation and FD signages installation activities surrounding the reserve. Several sessions of dialogs with local communities have also been organized to install awareness on restrictions within the reserve and the importance to preserve the area.

The Stakeholder and Community Committee has been formed to discuss and tackle issues which touches the interest of the reserve and its stakeholders.